The Aviary Ring
What is a Web Ring?
    A web ring is a group of sites linked together through the ring's table (our table is seen at the bottom of this page).  Using the table, visitors to the ring can visit the different sites.  For the visitors, it's a great way to find sites on a subject that interests them.  For the sites, it's a great way to get visitors looking for pages just like yours!

What is the Aviary Ring?
    The Aviary Ring is a webring based on the subject of breeding birds.  So long as your site is based on that subject, you probably are welcome to join!  To give you an idea of what we're after, though, here's some of the different kinds of sites in the ring:

How do I join the ring?
    First, you must meet the two simple requirements: you must have a website, and the website must have something to do with breeding birds.  Once you've got that covered, follow these steps: And that's it!  You're in the ring, and visitors can get to you through the ring.  Want to know how many visitors you're recieving from the ring?  Want to know how popular your site is compared to the other ring sites?  Visit the Ring Stats Page!
The Aviary Ring
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